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<WL>微 [wēi] tiny, micro; 微笑 wēixiào smile
<WL>微 [wēi] tiny, micro; 微笑 wēixiào smile@@; (HDZ:) 隐蔽, 藏匿; …  [wéi] (旧读)
The left side is 彳 (chì) ‘footstep’, and the right side is 攵(攴 pū) ‘strike’. The middle is of uncertain analysis; in the modern character it is 山 shān ‘mountain’ over 一 yī ‘one’ over 几 jī ‘table’. But originally 几 was 人 (rén) ‘person’, and 山 may have been the person’s hair (compare 长 cháng). 攵() then might represent a hand with a knife, cutting the hair short. (Other theories say the middle was 耑 = 端 duān or 豈 qǐ abbreviated).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 微(􀔦𢕧) wéi/wēi ‘hidden/secret (deeds/inspection)’ combines 彳(􀔘) chì ‘left footstep; walk slowly’, and 𢼸(􁗕) wéi/wēi (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 𢼸.
彳 ‘footstep’ was added later for the particular meaning that has in 微行 wēixíng — ‘to travel incognito’.
Note: For the meaning of 彳 in , cf. 微行 wēixíng ‘travel incognito’ (of emperor/superior, making surprise inspection).
See 徽 huī ‘badge’, which is from 微 wéi phonetic and 糸 () ‘thread’.
Compare: (􂒲) huī ‘emblem/insignia/badge’, in which 糸 (sī) ‘silk/thread’, and (􀔦𢕧) wéi (abbrev. phonetic).
#rG.063.30 W.164c K.AD1314,GSR584d D.2.837.10 M.7061 KX..370.12 B.281.1.05
Compare: 尾(􁜵) wěi ‘tail’.
HDZ: 微 : wēi (旧读 wéi) : 隐蔽, 藏匿; 秘密地, 偷偷地; 伺察, 侦察; 精妙, 深奥; 不明, 昏暗; 细, 小; 少; 日月亏缺; 卑贱; 衰微, 衰落; (中医) 脉象之一; (量词); 离; 无, 没有; (副词); 尾 (wěi): 交尾; 脚胫生湿疮; 徽 (huī): 善; (古国名); (姓)
#y meih\</WL>
HDC: 隱行 : 阴德, 不为人知的美行; 暗中去做
HDC: 微隱 : 精深而隐秘
HDC: 微行 : 小路; 帝王或有权势者隐匿身分, 易服出行或私访; 悄无声息的行动; 轻微的罪行; (佛教) 修道者微妙之法行
#rG.063.30 W.164c K.AD1314,GSR584d D.2.837.10 M.7061 KX..370.12 B.281.1.05 E.1
#y meih\

Latest revision as of 04:08, 9 June 2019

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