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<WL>彐 [jì] (radical 58, component: ‘pig head’; 寻字头 xúnzìtóu)
<WL>彐 [jì] (古) 彑: 猪头 pig's head/snout; a kind of hedgehog (cf. 彙); (radical 58, 彐部, 寻字头); (component: 寻尋帚妇归当…)
Picture of a pig’s head. Also written or .
The character 彐 jì ‘pig's head/snout’ is a variant of the pictograph 彑(􁧻) (depicting a pig's head/snout); cf. 彑.
Note: As a component, 彐 is also a variant of 又(􀠋) ‘right hand’; in the simple form 当/當(􂛢) it is simply an abbreviation.
Compare: 帚(􁔣) zhǒu ‘broom’, 妇/婦(􂉔) fù ‘woman’, 归/歸(􀑮) guī ‘return’; 𦥑(􀝵) jú, 舁(􀝮𦥠) yú, 学/學(􀣢) xué, 申(􂥻𦥔) shēn, ….
HDZ: 彐 : jì : 彑: 猪头; 猬属 (cf. 彙)
#rG.379.15 W.68a K.AD321 D.2.960.9 M.450 KX..362.04
#rG.379.15 W.68a K.AD321 D.2.960.9 M.450 KX..362.04
#y gai-</WL>
#y gai-

Latest revision as of 04:07, 9 June 2019

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