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<WL>屯 [tún] (屯子) village; collect [zhūn] ䷂ Difficult Beginning
<WL>屯 [tún] 屯/囤 collect, store up; 屯田 outpost/garrison-farm; 屯子 village; (姓) [zhūn] (卦名) Difficulty at the Beginning@@; (HDZ:) … 艰难, 危难; 吝惜; 盈, 充满; 厚
“...To sprout, grow; (hard soil:) hard... cultivation of land by soldiers, military tenure, military colonists; garrison, camp; village; assemble — a 屮 sprouting plant breaking through 一 the surface” —Karlgren.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 屯(􀄀) zhūn ‘(sprout up with, overcome) difficulty’ (迍/屯邅 zhūnzhān) combines a horizontal line representing 一 ‘earth’ (as in 至), and 𡳾/屮(􀃿) chè ‘sprout’ (with 子叶 ‘cotyledons’): the seedling finds it difficult to break free of its husk, to sprout up through the hard soil, but overcomes such obstacles in order to send its first root down to penetrate the soil, its first leaves up to reach the light.
#rG.107.44,119.13 K.AD1144,GSR427a D.1.13.2 M.6592 KX..304.11 B.006.1.08
Compare: 春(􀋡萅) chūn ‘springtime’, in which 屯(􀄀) zhūn (phonosemantic); 窀(􁐫) zhūn ‘bury/grave’ (窀穸).
Note: Formerly 屯(􀄀) zhūn, but today mainly 屯 tún, cf. 囤 dùn/tún, 屯/囤积, 屯/囤积货物, 屯/囤粮.
#y jeun\ tyuhn\</WL>
Compare: ䷂ 屯 (☵☳); the character and hexagram structures are parallel, with 十/㐅(☵) and 凵(☳).
“...To sprout, grow; (hard soil:) hard... cultivation of land by soldiers, military tenure, military colonists; garrison, camp; village; assemble — a 屮 sprouting plant breaking through 一 the surface” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 庉(􁥅) dùn ‘multi-/upper-story building/platform wall’; 屯 tún ‘garrison’ (屯田); 村 cūn ‘village’, formerly wr. 邨(􁇽).
Compare: 旦, 丠, 巠, 立, 或, 才, 耑, 至, … (also with a horizontal line 一 ‘earth/land’ in the Seal).
Compare: 𠁧(􀃽) zhōng/zhòng, 屯(􀄀) zhūn/tún.
HDZ: 屯 : zhūn : 艰难, 危难; 吝惜; 盈; 充满; 厚; (卦名) ䷂ • tún : 聚集, 蓄积 (cf. 囤); 驻守; 兵营; 屯田: 军队在驻地开荒耕种; 土山; 河港靠船之处; 阻塞; (量词) ((古) 绵的数量单位; (古) 战车的编制单位); (姓)
HDC: 屯田 : túntián : 利用戍卒或农民、商人垦殖荒地; 屯田者所耕之田; 专司屯田的机构和官员; …
#rG.107.44,119.13 K.AD1144,GSR427a D.1.13.2 M.6592 KX..304.11 B.006.1.08 WHY...42 E.1
#y jeun\ tyuhn\

Latest revision as of 05:37, 19 February 2019

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