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<WL>宠(F寵) [chǒng] love, bestow favor on
<WL>宠(F寵) [chǒng] 宠爱 love, indulge, dote on; 宠物 pet (animal); 荣宠 in good honor/favor/graces@@  [lóng] cf. 寵
From 宀 (mián) ‘roof’ over 龙(lóng) ‘dragon’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 宠/寵(􁏎) chǒng ‘seat/place of honor’ (荣宠) combines 宀 (mián) ‘roof/dwelling’, and /龍(􂄆) lóng ‘dragon’ (phonosemantic); a beloved pet revered like a dragon, an honored favorite given the seat/place of honor in one's dwelling/home.
“Imperial favourite; favour; to love — the one in the 龍 imperial 宀 chamber” —Karlgren.
Compare: 笼/籠(􀲿) lóng ‘basket for moving earth; basket/cage’; 马笼头 ‘horse's bridle’; 𫜲/龓(􁊓) lǒng/lóng ‘have/control; bridle’.
“Imperial favorite; favor; to love — the one in the 龍 imperial 宀 chamber” —Karlgren(AD).
#rK.AD585 D.2.920.2 B.094.1.03
#rK.AD585 D.2.920.2 B.094.1.03
#y chung/</WL>
#y chung/

Latest revision as of 02:32, 23 October 2018

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