English words alphabetically

notch To view this entry, please log in
notched To view this entry, please log in
notches To view this entry, please log in
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note To view this entry, please log in
notebook To view this entry, please log in
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noted To view this entry, please log in
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notepad To view this entry, please log in
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notes To view this entry, please log in
note-taker To view this entry, please log in
noteworthy To view this entry, please log in
not have a penny to one's name To view this entry, please log in
nothing To view this entry, please log in
nothing but To view this entry, please log in
nothing if not To view this entry, please log in
nothing like To view this entry, please log in
nothingness To view this entry, please log in
nothing to write home about To view this entry, please log in
nothing to write home about To view this entry, please log in
not hold a candle to To view this entry, please log in
No thoroughfare. To view this entry, please log in
notice To view this entry, please log in
noticeable To view this entry, please log in
noticeably To view this entry, please log in
noticed To view this entry, please log in
notices To view this entry, please log in
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not in the least To view this entry, please log in
not in the slightest To view this entry, please log in
notion To view this entry, please log in
notional To view this entry, please log in
notions To view this entry, please log in
not more than To view this entry, please log in
not much of a ... bụ̀ shì hẹ̌n hǎo de ... 不是很好的…He isn't much of a student. Tā bụ̀ shì shénme hǎo xuésheng. 他不是什么好学生。 (Subentry of:) ²much [mʌtʃ] {A} n.u.xǔduō 许多; dàliàng 大量zhòngyào de shìqing 重要的事情
not nearly To view this entry, please log in
notochord To view this entry, please log in
not only ... (but) also ... bùjǐn ... érqiě ... 不仅…而且… (Subentry of:) not [nɑt] {BE/A} adv. bù 不; méiyǒu 没有
not only ... , but also ... bụ̀dàn ... érqiě ... 不但…而且…; jì ... yòu ... 既…又…He's not not only very smart, but also very able. Tā jì cōngming yòu nénggàn. 他既聪明又能干。 (Subentry of:) only [ˈoʊnli] {BE/A} adj.wéiyī de 唯一的He's the ∼ one who speaks Mandarin. Tā shì wéiyī huì shuō Pǔtōnghuà de rén. 他是唯一会说普通话的人。chūzhòng de 出众的; dúyīwú'èr de 独一无二的adv.jị̌njǐn 仅仅; zhị̌yǒu 只有I ∼ know his family name. Wọ̌ zhǐ zhīdao tā de xìng. 我只知道他的姓。fǎn'ér 反而kěshì 可是; buguò 不过
notoriety To view this entry, please log in
notorious To view this entry, please log in
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not quite bù wánquán shì/duì 不完全是/对 (Subentry of:) quite [kwaɪt] {BE/A} adv.xiāngdāng de 相当地I'm ∼ happy in my job. Wǒ tị̌ng xǐhuan wǒ de gōngzuò. 我挺喜欢我的工作。shífēn 十分; hěn 很He has ∼ a lot of money. Tā shífēn yǒuqián. 他十分有钱。
not-so-great To view this entry, please log in
not that I know of jù wọ̌ suǒ zhī bụ̀ shì nàyàng 据我所知不是那样 (Subentry of:) not [nɑt] {BE/A} adv. bù 不; méiyǒu 没有
not to mention ... To view this entry, please log in
not to mince one's words To view this entry, please log in
notwithstanding To view this entry, please log in
not worth a pin To view this entry, please log in
nougat To view this entry, please log in
nought To view this entry, please log in
noumenal To view this entry, please log in
noumenon To view this entry, please log in
noun To view this entry, please log in
noun-noun To view this entry, please log in
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nourish To view this entry, please log in
nourished To view this entry, please log in
nourishes To view this entry, please log in
nourishing To view this entry, please log in
nourishing To view this entry, please log in
nourishment To view this entry, please log in
nova To view this entry, please log in
¹novel To view this entry, please log in
²novel To view this entry, please log in
novelette To view this entry, please log in
novelettes To view this entry, please log in
novelist To view this entry, please log in
novelists To view this entry, please log in
novella To view this entry, please log in
novellas or novelle To view this entry, please log in
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novelties To view this entry, please log in
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November To view this entry, please log in
novice To view this entry, please log in
novices To view this entry, please log in
novocaine To view this entry, please log in
now [naʊ] {BE/A} adv.xiànzài 现在; mùqián 目前mǎshàng 马上 now and again bùshí de 不时地 now and then yǒushí 有时 as of nowyǎnxià 眼下cóngcǐ 从此; jīnhòu 今后 by now dào xiànzài 到现在 for now mùqián 目前 from now on cóng xiànzài qǐ 从现在起 just now gāngcái 刚才 up to now zhídào xiànzài 直到现在
nowadays To view this entry, please log in
now and again bùshí de 不时地 (Subentry of:) again [əˈgɛn/əˈgeɪn] {BE/A} adv. yòu 又; zàicì 再次; chóngxīn 重新say it again zài shuō yī biàn 再说一遍
now and again bùshí de 不时地 (Subentry of:) now [naʊ] {BE/A} adv.xiànzài 现在; mùqián 目前mǎshàng 马上
(every) now and then yǒu shíhou 有时候; ọ̌u'ěr 偶尔I go to the movies now and then. Wǒ shíbùshí de qù kàn ge diànyǐng. 我时不时地去看个电影。 (Subentry of:) then [ðɛn] {BE/A} adv.nàshí 那时; dāngshí 当时yúshì 于是; ránhòu 然后∼ what happened ? Hòulái zěnme le ? 后来怎么了?nàme 那么; yīncǐ 因此adj. nàshí de 那时的; dāngshí de 当时的
now and then yǒushí 有时 (Subentry of:) now [naʊ] {BE/A} adv.xiànzài 现在; mùqián 目前mǎshàng 马上
no way juébù 决不There's no way they can repay such a big debt. Tāmen gēnběn huánbuliǎo zhème yị̄ dà bǐ zhài. 他们根本还不了这么一大笔债。 (Subentry of:) no [noʊ] {BE/A} adj.méiyǒu 没有I have ∼ money on me. Wǒ méi dài qián. 我没带钱。jìnzhǐ rù nèi de 禁止入内的jué bụ̀ shì 决不是I'm ∼ singer. Wǒ gēnběn bụ̀ shì chànggē de liào. 我根本不是唱歌的料。intj. bù 不; bụ̀ shì 不是; méiyǒu 没有n.c. pl. (-s/-es) [nos/noes]fǎnduìpiào/zhě 反对票/者fǒudìng 否定
no way To view this entry, please log in
nowhere To view this entry, please log in
nowhere near To view this entry, please log in
no/without doubt To view this entry, please log in
no wonder To view this entry, please log in
now that jìrán 既然 (Subentry of:) ²that [ðət/ðæt] {BE/A} conj. (yị̌ndǎo cóngjù [引导从句])He said ∼ he's sick. Tā shuō tā bìng le. 他说他病了。

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