English words alphabetically

no other thanzhị̌yǒu 只有zhèngshì 正是He is no other than the president of the university. Tā zhèngshì dàxué xiàozhǎng běnrén. 他正是大学校长本人。 (Subentry of:) than [ðən/ðæn] {BE/A} conj./prep. bǐ 比Can't you run faster ∼ him? Nǐ bùnéng pǎo de bǐ tā kuài ma? 你不能跑得比他快吗?They have more funds ∼ we do. Tāmen de zījīn bị̌ wǒmen duō. 他们的资金比我们多。
No pain, no gain. To view this entry, please log in
nopalxochia To view this entry, please log in
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nopinene To view this entry, please log in
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north [nɔrθ] {BE/B} n.u./adj. běifāng (de) 北方(的)adv. zài/xiàng běifāng 在/向北方 North America n. Bẹ̌i Měizhōu 北美洲 northbound xiàng běi qù de 向北去的 North Pole n. Běijí 北极 North Star n. 〈environment:〉 astr.[天] Běijíxīng 北极星 northward adj./adv. xiàngběi de 向北的/地
North America n. Bẹ̌i Měizhōu 北美洲 (Subentry of:) north [nɔrθ] {BE/B} n.u./adj. běifāng (de) 北方(的)adv. zài/xiàng běifāng 在/向北方
northbound xiàng běi qù de 向北去的 (Subentry of:) north [nɔrθ] {BE/B} n.u./adj. běifāng (de) 北方(的)adv. zài/xiàng běifāng 在/向北方
northeast To view this entry, please log in
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norther To view this entry, please log in
northerlies To view this entry, please log in
northerly To view this entry, please log in
northern To view this entry, please log in
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Northern Hemisphere To view this entry, please log in
North Korea To view this entry, please log in
North Korean To view this entry, please log in
North Pole n. Běijí 北极 (Subentry of:) north [nɔrθ] {BE/B} n.u./adj. běifāng (de) 北方(的)adv. zài/xiàng běifāng 在/向北方
north-south To view this entry, please log in
North Star n. 〈environment:〉 astr.[天] Běijíxīng 北极星 (Subentry of:) north [nɔrθ] {BE/B} n.u./adj. běifāng (de) 北方(的)adv. zài/xiàng běifāng 在/向北方
northward adj./adv. xiàngběi de 向北的/地 (Subentry of:) north [nɔrθ] {BE/B} n.u./adj. běifāng (de) 北方(的)adv. zài/xiàng běifāng 在/向北方
northwest To view this entry, please log in
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Norway To view this entry, please log in
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Norwegians To view this entry, please log in
nos. To view this entry, please log in
nose To view this entry, please log in
nose about To view this entry, please log in
nosebleed To view this entry, please log in
nose-bleeding To view this entry, please log in
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nosedive To view this entry, please log in
nosedived To view this entry, please log in
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no-see-ums To view this entry, please log in
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nose job To view this entry, please log in
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noses To view this entry, please log in
nosewheel To view this entry, please log in
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no-show To view this entry, please log in
nosier To view this entry, please log in
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no skin off sb.'s nose/back To view this entry, please log in
no sooner said than done lìgānjiànyǐng 立竿见影 (Subentry of:) say [seɪ] {BE/A} v.t. p.t., p.p. (said) [said]shuō 说; jiǎng 讲shuōmíng 说明; biǎoshì 表示xiědào 写道; bàodǎo 报导The report ∼s the following ... Bàogào zhōng xiědào ... 报告中写道…bǐrú shuō 比如说; jiǎshè 假设Shall we meet at, ∼, five-thirty? Zánmen wǔ diǎn bàn jiànmiàn zěnmeyàng? 咱们五点半见面怎么样?v.i. shuōhuà 说话; biǎodá 表达n.sing.yìjian 意见fāyán jīhuì 发言机会; fāyánquán 发言权Everyone will have a ∼ in this matter. Zài zhè jiàn shì shang, měirén dōu yǒu fāyánquán. 在这件事上,每人都有发言权。juédìngquán 决定权In the past, women had no ∼ in the family. Zài guòqù, fùnǚ zài jiālǐ méiyǒu zuò juédìng de quánlì. 在过去,妇女在家里没有做决定的权利。
no sooner ... than ... To view this entry, please log in
nostalgia To view this entry, please log in
nostalgic To view this entry, please log in
nostalgically To view this entry, please log in
nostoc To view this entry, please log in
nostril To view this entry, please log in
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nostrum To view this entry, please log in
no sweat To view this entry, please log in
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not [nɑt] {BE/A} adv. bù 不; méiyǒu 没有 not at all bụ̀ kèqi 不客气 not only ... (but) also ... bùjǐn ... érqiě ... 不仅…而且… not that I know of jù wọ̌ suǒ zhī bụ̀ shì nàyàng 据我所知不是那样
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not about to bù dǎsuan 不打算I am not about to give up my position. Wǒ bù dǎsuan fàngqì wǒ de zhíwèi. 我不打算放弃我的职位。 (Subentry of:) about [əˈbaʊt] {BE/A} prep.guānyú 关于; yǒuguān 有关What's this book ∼? ... It's ∼ modern art. Zhè běn shū shì jiǎng shénme de? ... Shì guānyú dāngdài yìshù de. 这本书是讲什么的? …是关于当代艺术的。zhìyú ... 至于…∼ those books, I do indeed want to have a look at them. Zhìyú nàxiē shū, wǒ díquè xiǎng kànkan. 至于那些书,我的确想看看。adv.dàyuē 大约I study ∼ six hours a day. Wǒ měitiān xuéxí liù xiǎoshí zuǒyòu. 我每天学习六小时左右。jīhū 几乎; mǎshàng 马上Dinner is ∼ ready. Wǎnfàn mǎshàng jiù hǎo le. 晚饭马上就好了。dàochù 到处; zhōuwéi 周围; fùjìn 附近There is no one ∼. Zhōuwéi méi rén. 周围没人。adj. gāngyào 刚要We were ∼ to leave when he arrived. Wǒmen gāng yào zǒu, tā jiù dào le. 我们刚要走, 他就到了。
not all roses To view this entry, please log in
notaries To view this entry, please log in
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not at all bụ̀ yòng xiè 不用谢; bụ̀ kèqi 不客气 (Subentry of:) all [ɑl] {BE/A} adj.quánbù de 全部的; suọ̌yǒu de 所有的∼ the guests have arrived. Suọ̌yǒu de kèren dōu dào le. 所有的客人都到了。jị̌n kěnéng de 尽可能的We'll do ∼ we can to help you. Wǒmen yị̄dìng jìnlì bāngzhù nǐ. 我们一定尽力帮助你。pr./n.u.quántǐ 全体; dàjiā 大家They are ∼ here. i. Tāmen dōu lái le. 他们都来了。 ii. Tāmen dōu zài zhèr ne. 他们都在这儿呢。wéiyī de dōngxi 唯一的东西∼ I need is your signature. Wǒ wéiyī xūyào de shì nǐ de qīnbǐ qiānmíng. 我唯一需要的是你的亲笔签名。yị̄qiè 一切; suọ̌yǒu 所有adv. wánquán de 完全地They are dressed ∼ in white. Tāmen dōu chuān yī̠shēn bái. 他们都穿一身白。
not at all bụ̀ kèqi 不客气 (Subentry of:) not [nɑt] {BE/A} adv. bù 不; méiyǒu 没有
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not bad To view this entry, please log in
not born yesterday To view this entry, please log in
not by a long shot To view this entry, please log in
not care/give a damn To view this entry, please log in
not care/give a fig about To view this entry, please log in
not care/give a hoot To view this entry, please log in

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