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than [ðən/ðæn] {BE/A} conj./prep. bǐ 比Can't you run faster ∼ him? Nǐ bùnéng pǎo de bǐ tā kuài ma? 你不能跑得比他快吗?They have more funds ∼ we do. Tāmen de zījīn bị̌ wǒmen duō. 他们的资金比我们多。 no more than jị̌njǐn 仅仅; zhǐshì 只是 no other thanzhị̌yǒu 只有zhèngshì 正是He is no other than the president of the university. Tā zhèngshì dàxué xiàozhǎng běnrén. 他正是大学校长本人。 other than chú ... wài 除…外Other than freshmen, everyone can join the organization. Chúle yī̠-niánjí xīnshēng wài, rénrén dōu kẹ̌yǐ cānjiā zhège zǔzhī. 除了一年级新生外,人人都可以参加这个组织。 rather than yǔqí ... nìngyuàn ... 与其…宁愿…I'd rather study than go to a party. Wǒ nìngyuàn xuéxí, bụ̀ yuàn qù jùhuì. 我宁愿学习,不愿去聚会。
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/En:2001542420
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