Difference between revisions of "Ci:1011354689"

From Wenlin Dictionaries
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ref  40355
ref  40355
ps  v.
ps  v.
1df  produce; manufacture
1df  [en] produce; manufacture
1df  [fr] produire ; fabriquer
1ex@hy  Yị̄ ge gōngrén yī̠ xiǎoshí néng ∼ duōshǎo jiàn chạ̌npǐn?
1ex@hy  Yị̄ ge gōngrén yī̠ xiǎoshí néng ∼ duōshǎo jiàn chạ̌npǐn?
1hz  一个工人一小时能∼多少件产品?
1hz  一个工人一小时能∼多少件产品?
1tr  How many units of the product can a worker produce in an hour?
1tr  [en] How many units of the product can a worker produce in an hour?
1tr  [fr] Combien d'unités de ce produit un ouvrier peut-il produire par heure ?
rem@TB2002.12.25  Changed duo3shao2 to duo1shao3 (Konarski email).
rem@TB2002.12.25  Changed duo3shao2 to duo1shao3 (Konarski email).
2df  give birth to a child
2df  [en] give birth to a child
freq  696.0 [XHPC:1258]</WL>
2df  [fr] donner naissance à un enfant
freq  696.0 [XHPC:1258]
rem@sarahbrahy_2017-01-31T15:02:05CET  changed entry

Latest revision as of 14:31, 31 January 2017

shēngchǎn* [-​] {A} v.produce; manufactureYị̄ ge gōngrén yī̠ xiǎoshí néng ∼ duōshǎo jiàn chạ̌npǐn? 一个工人一小时能∼多少件产品? How many units of the product can a worker produce in an hour?give birth to a child
696.0 [XHPC:1258] average occurrences per million characters of text
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The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1011354689
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