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<WL>亲(F親) [qīn] kin; kiss; 母亲 mother; 亲自 in person  [qìng] 亲家
<WL>亲(F親) [qīn] kin/family/relatives; 母亲 mother, 父亲 father; 亲密 close/intimate, 亲自 in person, 亲吻 kiss [qìng] 亲家 in-laws (姻亲)
qīn originally meant ‘hazel-nut tree’, composed of 辛 xīn phonetic and 木 (mù) ‘tree’, combined so that 亲 is written 立 over 木.
The simple-form character (9 strokes) is an old character, re-used as an abbrev. of the full-form character 親 (in which it is a component), omitting the right-side full-form component 見 (7 strokes) rather than simplifying it (to 见).
For the meaning ‘family relation’, the full form 親 has 見 (jiàn) ‘see’ added. The simple form is just the phonetic part 亲, which no longer means ‘hazel-nut tree’. Mnemonic: “family tree”.
Note: Formerly 亲 zhēn ‘hazel-nut tree’, the simple form 亲 lost that old meaning (today wr. 榛 zhēn ‘hazel’), and was re-used as an abbrev. of the full form 親 qīn ‘kin/family’.
亲 qīn is phonetic in 新 xīn ‘new’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 亲(􀻳𣓀𣐽) zhēn ‘hazel-nut tree’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree’, and 辛(􂤿𨐌) xīn ‘hard/bitter’ (phonosemantic); later wr. 榛(􀼜), with 秦(􁌮) qín (phonetic).
Note: The simple form (9 strokes) lost a stroke or two, compared to old forms such as 𣐽 (10 strokes) and 𣓀 (11 strokes); this is also true in its compounds 親/𧡿, and in some old inscr. forms.
The Shuōwén Seal form of (􁞓𧡿) qīn ‘kin/family’ combines 見(􁝪) jiàn ‘see’ (the likeness), and (􀻳𣓀𣐽) zhēn ‘hazel’ (phonosemantic); see the family likeness, like trees from the same hazel grove; formerly also wr. 儭/𠋆/𢾉.
Note: SW glosses 親(􁞓𧡿) qīn ‘kin/family’ with 至(􂂕𦤴𡉸𡉰) zhì ‘attain/arrive’ (到), explained as attaining one's land/place (homestead), where mother and father gather the family together with tender regard (DYC); cf. 室(􁎣) shì ‘(inner) room’ (家室), 屋(􁜮) wū ‘room/house’ (屋室 wūshì ‘house/residence’).
Compare: (􂠚𣂺) xīn ‘gather firewood; new’; 薪(􀊟) xīn ‘firewood; salary’.
Compare: 觐/覲(􁞔𧢚) jìn ‘autumnal appearance at imperial court’.
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Latest revision as of 05:29, 19 February 2019

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