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<WL>雇 [gù] (雇佣 gùyōng) hire, employ; 雇主 employer; 雇员 employee @@[hù]
<WL>雇 [gù] (雇佣 gùyōng) hire/employ; 雇主 employer, 雇员 employee@@; (HDZ:) …  [hù] (鸟名) 鳸: …
From 户 hù phonetic and (zhuī) ‘little bird’. Originally meant ‘hawfinch’ (a kind of bird). The character was borrowed for a similar sounding word meaning ‘hire’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 雇(􀧛) hù ‘hawfinch/buttonquail/sparrow/etc.’ combines 隹 (zhuī) ‘short-tailed bird’, and /戶(􂂧) (phonetic); formerly also wr. 鳸(􀧝𩿇), and 𪄮(􀧜).
is phonetic in 顧() .
Note: Formerly 雇 hù ‘(var. small migratory birds)’ (cf. 九雇); later mainly gù ‘rent/lease/hire’, formerly wr. 故, 顧, and 僱.
#rG.267.27,368.27 K.AD428,GSR53d D.6.4096.2 M.3477 KX..1365.18 B.244.1.04
Compare: 顾/顧(􁠬) gù ‘turn the head and look back; look after, care for’.
Compare: 桑扈/鳸 sánghù ‘hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)’.
#y gu-</WL>
Note: The lower component of 雇 is 隹, not 佳.
Note: (诗) (小宛) 交交桑扈、率場啄粟 “The greenbeaks come and go, Pecking up grain about the stack-yard.” (Legge)
Note: (诗) (桑扈) 交交桑扈、有鶯其羽 “They flit about, the green-beaks, With their variegated wings.” (Legge)
Note: 桑扈/鳸 sánghù ‘mulberry hoo’, a.k.a. 青嘴 ‘greenbeak’, 窃脂 ‘grease thief’ (“bill is slightly hooked ... evidently ... dentirostres”, Legge; cf. Passeres Dentirostres, Gosse), (雀科动物黑头蜡嘴雀的肉) 青雀, 窃脂, 蜡嘴雀 (cf. 蠟嘴/觜), 蜡嘴 (ZYC), cf. 锡嘴雀, 𪉆, 腊嘴雀, 老西子, 老酰儿, 铁嘴蜡子 (WP).
HDZ: : hù : (SW: 九雇, 農桑𠊱鳥 (cf. 桑扈), … ⑴ 春雇 “鳻盾” (cf. 鳻鶞, 分循, 春鳸/扈, 一种候鸟), ⑵ 夏雇 “竊玄”, ⑶ 秋雇 “竊藍”, ⑷ 冬雇 “竊黃”, ⑸ 棘雇 “竊丹”, ⑹ 行雇 “唶唶”, ⑺ 宵雇 “嘖嘖”, ⑻ 桑雇 “竊脂”, ⑼ 老雇 “鴳” (cf. 鷃) ) (鸟名) 鳸: 一种鸠 (九雇/扈, cf. 九扈; cf. 桑扈) • gù : 故: 租赁, 出钱叫人替自己做事 (雇僦; cf. 顧); 报酬 (cf. 顧); : (环顾; 照顾); 卖
HDC: 春鳸/扈 : (鸟名) 农桑候鸟; (古)(传说) 金天氏的春季农官
HDC: 九雇/鳸/扈 : (官名) 相传为少皞时主管农事的官名; (鸟名)
HDC: 桑扈/鳸 : (鸟名) 青雀, 窃脂 (SJ); 子桑伯子, (古) 隐士, 鲁 人 (cf. 桑户); (古)(传说) (国名) 少皞时主管蚕桑的官; (复姓)
HDC: 竊脂 : (鸟名) 桑鳸, 青雀, 觜曲食肉, 好盜脂膏; (传说) (鸟名) (山海经)
HDC: 老雇/扈/鳸 : 鷃雀 (cf. 鷃)
#rG.267.27,368.27 K.AD428,GSR53d D.6.4096.2 M.3477 KX..1365.18 B.244.1.04 E.1
#y gu-

Latest revision as of 05:01, 9 June 2019

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